I Like Myself! (and a few thoughts on new beginnings)
Welcome to The Story Garden! This is my first "real" blog post, and to be honest, I am experiencing jitters similar to first day of school nerves. You know the feeling. How will I find my place? Will I know where to go? Will I make new friends? Will they like me? Will people be nice to me? How am I going to handle all of this new work? What if I'm not good at it?
This little whisper of worry pops into my head from time to time, only to be greeted by a sure and steady voice: You are where you are meant to be. Follow your heart. Be kind. Be honest. Be yourself. Try your best, because what will happen if you are great at it?
I Like Myself, written by Karen Beaumont, illustrated by David Catrow HMH Books for Young Readers, 2004
Sometimes it is difficult to hear that strong voice among the hustle and bustle of every day life. If you are ever in need of a confidence boost, take a quick read through I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont, illustrated by David Catrow. In this charming story, a little girl tells the reader all the reasons she is happy to be herself. The playful rhyme and zany illustrations will keep your little readers giggling, especially as the girl imagines what she would be like with "a silly snout that snorts," or "purple polka-dotted lips." My favorite page reads: "Even when I look a mess, I still don't like me any less, 'cause nothing in this world you know, can change what's deep inside, and so..." I feel like this is a shout-out to all the mothers of little ones running around with milk stains on their shoulders and cheesy fingerprints on the seats of their yoga pants (no? Just me?). This book is a great introduction to the concept of self-esteem and individuality for young readers. Keep reading for questions to ask your child as you share this book together!
Book Chat: Questions for young readers
What does the little girl in the book like about herself? How do you know?
What do you like about yourself?
What do you like about yourself on the outside?
What do you like about yourself on the inside?
What are some of your favorite things to do? How do you feel when you are doing them?
What is something you are good at?
Think of a time when you felt proud. What did you do?
How did reading this book make you feel?
How do you think the little girl is feeling in this book? How do you know?
Have you ever been teased by someone? How did it make you feel?
Have you ever teased someone? Why? How do you think that made the other person feel?
Think of a time when someone was kind to you. What did they say or do?